Terraria Guides

TShock Permission List

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Understanding permissions are a core part of running a server. By using permissions in tandem with User Groups and other plugins such as AutoBroadcaster, you can essentially automate server management by mixing permissions rights with area triggers. Below you'll see a list of all vanilla TShock permissions. Individual plugins will also have permissions listed within their .dll or within their TShock plugin page.


Account Permissions




tshock.account.register /register allows a user to register an ingame account.
tshock.account.login Allows this user to login to an account
tshock.account.logout Allows this user to logout of their account
tshock.account.changepassword Allows this user to change their password ingame.


Administrative Permissions




tshock.admin.antibuild /antibuild allows this user to set build protections
tshock.admin.ban /ban allows this user to ban other users
tshock.admin.broadcast /broadcast allows this user to broadcast a message to all users.
tshock.admin.group /group allows this user to modify user groups
tshock.admin.itemban /itemban allows this user to manage item bans
tshock.admin.kick /kick allows this user to kick other users
tshock.admin.mute /mute allows this user to mute/unmute other users
tshock.admin.noban Prevents this user from being able to be banned
tshock.admin.nokick Prevents this user from being able to be kicked
tshock.admin.projectileban /projectileban allows this user to manage projectile bans.
tshock.admin.region /region allows this user to manage regions
tshock.admin.savessi /overidessc, /savessc, allows users to override or save server-side inventories
tshock.admin.seeplayerids Allows this user to see playerIDs when using /who
tshock.admin.tempgroup /tempgroup allows this user to change other users' groups temporarily.
tshock.admin.tileban /tileban allows user to manage tilebans
tshock.superadmin.user /user allows this user to manage player accounts
tshock.admin.userinfo /userinfo allows this user to retrieve other  player's information.
tshock.admin.viewlogs Allows this user to view log messages
tshock.admin.warp Allows this user to manage warps.


Buff Permissions




tshock.buff.self /buff Allows this user to buff themselves
tshock.buff.others /gbuff Allows this user to buff others


Configuration Permissions




tshock.cfg.maintenence /checkupdates /off /off-nosave /restart /version Allows this user to restart and turn off the server, as well as receive update notifications
tshock.cfg.passwords /serverpassword The user can change the server password
tshock.cfg.reload /reload Allows the users to reload the servers config file
tshock.cfg.whitelist /whitelist Allows the user to manage the whitelist


Ignore Permissions




tshock.ignore.damge User is immune to damage hack detection
tshock.ignore.dropbanneditem User can drop banned items without removal
tshock.ignore.hp User is immune to HP hack detection
tshock.ignore.itemstack The user is immune to hacked item-stack detection
tshock.ignore.liquid This user is immune to liquid place abuse detection
tshock.ignore.mp This user is immune to mana hack detection
tshock.ignore.noclip This user is immune to noclip detection
tshock.ignore.paint This user is immune to paint abuse detection
tshock.ignore.projectile This user is immune to projectile abuse detection
tshock.ignore.removetile The user is immune to kill-tile abuse detection
tshock.ignroe.sendtilesquare The user is allowed unrestricted use of SendTileSquare
tshock.ignore.ssc This user is immune to SSC item management.


Item Permissions




tshock.item.give /give Allows this user to give items to other players
tshock.item.spawn /item Allows this user to spawn items
tshock.item.usebanned Allows this user to use banned items.


NPC Permissions




tshock.npc.butcher /butcher Allows user to butcher NPCs
tshock.npc.clearanglerquests /clearangler Allows user to clear the list of players who have completed daily angler quest
tshock.npc.hurttown Allows user to hurt town NPCs
tshock.npc.invade /invade Allows user to start/stop an invasion
tshock.npc.maxspawns /maxspawns Allows user to change maximum NPC spawns
tshock.npc.rename /renamenpc Allows user to rename town NPCs
tshock.npc.spawnboss /spawnboss Allows user to spawn a boss
tshock.npc.spawnmob /spawnmob Allows user to spawn mobs
tshock.npc.spawnrate /spawnrate Allows user to change NPC spawn rate
tshock.npc.startdd2 Allows user to start the Old One's Army event.
tshock.npc.startinvasion Allows user to start invasions using items
tshock.npc.summonboss Allows user to summon bosses using items


REST Permissions




tshock.rest.ban REST user can ban players
tshock.rest.bans.manage REST user can manage bans
tshock.rest.bans.view REST user can get detailed info about bans
tshock.rest.butcher REST user can butcher NPCs
tshock.rest.command REST user can run raw TShock commands
tshock.rest.causeevents REST user can cause certain events
tshock.rest.cfg REST user can reload the config file, save the world, and set autosave settings.
tshock.rest.groups.manage REST user can manage groups
tshock.rest.groups.view REST user can view information about groups
tshock.rest.kick REST user can kick players
tshock.rest.kill REST user can kill players
tshock.rest.maintenance REST user can restart/turn off the server
tshock.rest.manage REST user can destroy REST tokens
tshock.rest.mute REST user can mute players
tshock.rest.useapi REST user can create REST tokens
tshock.rest.users.info REST user can get user information
tshock.rest.users.manage REST user can manage users
tshock.rest.users.view REST user can get detailed information about users
tshock.rest.viewtips REST user can view player IPs.


SSC Permissions




tshock.ssc.upload /uploadssc Allows user to upload their joined character as SSC data.
tshock.ssc.upload.other Allows user to upload other players' joined character as SSC data.


Teleportation Permissions




tshock.tp.allothers User can teleport everyone at once
tshock.tp.block /tpallow Allows uers to block players from teleporting to them.
tshock.tp.getpos /pos Allows user to get the position of players
tshock.tp.home /home Allows user to teleport to their spawn point
tshock.tp.npc /tpnpc Allows user to teleport to an NPC
tshock.tp.others Allows user to teleport to other players
tshock.tp.override Allows user to override teleportation blocking
tshock.tp.pos /tppos Allows user to teleport to a specific position
tshock.tp.rod User can teleport using the Rod of Discord
tshock.tp.self /tp Allows user to teleport to other players
tshock.tp.silent Allows user to teleport to players without notification
tshock.tp.spawn /spawn Allows user to teleport to the map's spawn
tshoc.tp.wormhole Allows the user to teleport using a Wormhole Potion


World Permissions




tshock.world.editregion User can bypass TShocks region protection
tshock.world.editspawn User can bypass TShocks spawn protection
tshock.world.grow /grow Allows user to grow plants
tshock.world.hardmode /hardmode Alows user to toggle maps hard mode setting
tshock.world.info /world Allows user to get world information
tshock.world.modify Allows user to modify the world
tshock.world.movenpc Allows user to move the homes of town NPCs
tshock.world.paint Allows user to paint tiles.
tshock.world.rain /rain Allows user to toggle raining
tshock.world.sandstorm /sandstorm Allows user to toggle sandstorms
tshock.world.save /save Allows user to save the map
tshock.world.setdungeon /setdungeon Allows user to set the map's dungeon entrance location
tshock.world.sethaloween /forcehaloween Allows user to force Halloween mode
tshock.world.setspawn /setspawn Allows the user to set the map's spawn point.
tshock.world.setxmas /forcexmas Allows user to force Christmas mode
tshock.world.settleliquids /settle Allows user to force-settle liquids
tshock.world.time.bloodmoon /bloodmoon Allows user to start a blood moon
tshock.world.time.dropmeteor /dropmeteor Allows user to drop a meteor
tshock.world.time.eclipse /eclipse Allows user to start an eclipse
tshock.world.time.fullmoon /fullmoon Allows user to force a full moon.
tshock.world.time.set /time Allows user to set the ingame time
tshock.world.time.usesundial Allows user to use the sundial item
tshock.world.toggleexpert /expert Allows user to toggle the maps expert setting
tshock.world.toggleparty Allows user to toggle the party event
tshock.world.wind /wind Allows user to modify windspeed


Miscellaneous Permissions




tshock.accountinfo.check /accountinfo Allows user to check if an account is registered and lists it's last login time
tshock.accountinfo.details Allows user to get detailed information about an account
tshock.annoy /annoy Allows user to annoy other players
tshock.canchat Allows the user to chat
tshock.clear /clear Allows user to clear items, projectiles or NPCs
tshock.godmode /godmode Allows user to activate god mode
tshock.godmode.other Allows user to active god mode for other users
tshock.heal /heal Allows user to heal other users
tshock.info /serverinfo Allows user to get server information
tshock.kill /kill Allows user to kill other players with a command
tshock.partychat /party Allows the user to use party chats
tshock.projectiles.usebanned Allows user to use banned projectiles
tshock.reservedslot User can bypass the max slot setting up to a total of 5 additional slots
tshock.slap /slap Allows user to slap other players
tshock.thirdperson /me Allows user to talk in third person
tshock.tiles.usebanned The user can use banned items
tshock.warp /warp The user is allowed to warp
tshock.whisper /whisper /replay Allows user to whisper other players


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